Move over Laurence Llewelyn Bowen….I’m about to steal your crown!


Well, not exactly but I have to say I’m rather proud of our achievement with Operation Daughter’s Bedroom, now that it is complete!   If only I had taken a ‘before’ photo, you could all have gazed in awe and wonder (ha) at the miraculous transformation that has taken place over the last few weeks.  Instead you’ll have to take my word for it, that ‘before’ it was a little-girl-pink, cold, cramped, unworkable space with hideous pink make-up marked carpet.  It was several weeks of stress, painting, shopping and upheaval with boxes and crates everywhere……who knew such a small room could hold so much stuff!

And it is a small  room, just 266cm x 213cm (that’s 8’8″ x 6’11” in old money) with a off-shot little cupboard that had turned into a dumping ground.  A Great British Sewing Bee inspired sewing machine purchase was at the bottom of it all, nowhere to store it, nowhere to use it and we really wanted that to change, so that’s why we asked if we could buy the Kallax unit with desk during our home visit.

With the Kallax unit an acceptable Live LAGOM purchase, we decided that it really made sense to update the bedroom for the long term which meant waving goodbye (and good riddance) to the carpet.   We got bargain Quickstep laminate from B&Q as it was end of range and Barry from BnC Laminate Flooring in Cramlington did a grand job of fitting it for us – wouldn’t trust anyone else to do it!

With new bedding purchased and Walls painted to accommodate a change of colour scheme, we returned to IKEA to purchase a 4 square Kallax unit to sit on top on the 4×4 square Kallax to give even more storage, picture ledges and frames for photos that Eleanor, a budding photographer had taken herself.  The Linnmon desk was returned as unfortunately it took up too much room so a Micke desk is now in situ and is multi purpose – dressing table, homework work area and soon to be, sewing desk.  The sewing machine fits perfectly into the Kallax unit when not in use and we already have plans for our first make….watch this space!!

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed ‘designing’ this bedroom makeover, I’ve enjoyed shopping and pulling it all together to achieve what is now a beautiful, calming, well organised ‘grown up’ room with great storage that really works for a teenager and rather bizarrely, it feels so much warmer than it did when the carpet was down….not sure why.  Best of all, our teenage daughter loves her new room/storage.

Until next time……